Opening Hours
Opening Hours and Schedule
Opening Hours Disclaimer
Kepler Eck opens quite early
The Kepler Eck opens its doors early (10 a.m. from Monday to Saturday). So early risers as well as night shifters can stop by. Whether it’s to pass a little time or to enjoy the first rays of sunshine in our outdoor area. Our coffee machine is also at your service at these times.
Opening Hours in the evening
Kepler Eck tries to stay open for its guests quite late. On Fridays in particular, it is not unusual for our doors to close at around 3 a.m. or 5 a.m. on Saturday mornings. We make every effort to be available to night owls and shift workers on other days of the week as well (1 am to 3 am).
However, if there are not enough guests present at 10 pm to justify opening until 1 am during the week, we ask for your understanding if we close at 10.30 pm or 11.00 pm, as it is no longer worth operating our small establishment. It may therefore happen that you see the Kepler Eck closed earlier than the advertised opening times.
Outdoor area and neighbourhood relations
Since the Kepler Eck is located in the middle of Friedrichstadt in a residential area, we are also bound to nightly silence in consideration of our neighbors. We therefore ask guests not to take drinks into the outside area after 10 pm and to keep the volume of conversations outside the pub to a reasonable level.
Unfortunately, we are also forced to progressively close / dismantle our outdoor area during the week starting at around 10 pm. We ask for your understanding..
Opening Hourse Kepler Eck
Day of week | Öffnungszeiten |
Monday | 10:00 h – 01:00 h * |
Tuesday | 10:00 h – 01:00 h * |
Wednesday | 10:00 h – 01:00 h * |
Thursday | 10:00 h – 01:00 h * |
Friday | 10:00 h – 05:00 h |
Saturday | 10:00 h – 05:00 h |
Sundays and Public Holidays | 10:00 h – 23:00 h * |
If there are not enough guests in the pub during the evening, it is possible that it will close at 10 pm or 11 pm.